Part Two...The Day My Life Shattered

It was Thursday and I get to the end of my driveway and am ambushed by two EGPD Officers who said I have to leave my home of 26 years now.
I plead with them to please call a supervisor there has been a huge misunderstanding.  They refuse.

I remember calling Steve Detrick, h probably thought I was crazy.  I was desperate.

A supervisor came, he too was abusiv and threatened me with a 5150 detention, I asked for an ambulance, I felt dizzy.

Even the ambulance crew was dismissive I felt so threatened by those serving my community.

They made me leave me home with my belongings In a shopping cart and I believe my financial file fell out as my cards were compromised and I had not used them from that day.

I reached out to everyone, nobody could help, my phone die

The next morning I found an outlet and charged my phone enough to send City Attorney an email urgently asking for his help.

Around 12 I had no power and didn'tant to be seen in my community with a shopping cart full of belongings out front of Bel Air.

I went home quickly to retrieve my er bank and had only been there 3 minutes in the middle of writing and email to the City Attorney again when it seemed like SWAT invaded, placing me in the back of the squad car and arresting me.

I plead with them to please call the City Attorney. The male officer says he' calling the process server, I explain process servers don't read the orders he fails to listen.  I guess he calls my wife who says I don't know what to him.

I am taken to jail where I am sick for 5 days.  I write communications to everyone asking for help.

I am released 5 days later.

The period between is horrible, none will communicate with me.  I send 192 screen shots prior to this incident showing no evidence of Violence in my life.

No communication

The day of the Protective Order Hearing arrived and I'm going to be late due to still navigating the train system.  I arrive and the clerk tells me it been continued.  I explain I am homeless with no resources.

He says my wife's attorney says the papers were not properly served.  I am beside myself.  Why have I been homeless this entire time?

I arrive behind Bel Air and spend hours  texting to get fresh clothes, maybe soe food.  No response.

I took a chance and knocked on the door, I hear Shannon panicking. I rush off, EGPD stops me and yet a the orders....5 more days of sickness I'm jail.

I am released 5 days later

The new protective order hearing comes. The comissioner asks me how long I need to present my case, I reply "three minutes"

She asks Hope Elder my wife's attorney and she said "45 minutes'.  I a flabergasted.  The commissioner totally disregards my situation and shows total bias allowing the attorney to speak but for me to remain quiet.

She continues it another 30 days I am devastated, where am I going to sleep? I am totally ignored.

I spent a great number of days homeless on the streets and hungry with  resources and eventually ask for a l standby to get some mail and clothing.

EGPD arrive and instead of assisting me, yes they arrest me a third time.  Said I sent my wife an email.  I said I did not.  They show me an email addressed to my wife's attorney.  I explain that my chromebook was stolen and on it I have rules set up on emails, her attorney used to be our attorney so outlook cc's her on every email,they won't listen.

This time I spend 69 days in jail pleading my innocence.

I plead Not Guilty and right before tri the DA offers a plea that if I plead No Contest to one violation, they will release me

That was two weeks ago and I was released.

Since then I remain homeless without resources, without access to my babies or home.  No response from County of Sacramento, No response from City of Elk Grove or EGPD.

I am barely keeping it together but have accomplished some great things while out here on this journey.

I feel God is with me and guiding me in the direction of my true purpose.  I am excited to tell everyone about it should I get through it.

God Bless you all 


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